Olivia Schneeberger

Art Director & Designer With 12+ years of expertise and a Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication. Experience in the fields of animation, photography, illustration, typography, product design, video-production and texting. Living in different countries and cultures keeps me inspired. Striving to bring a sense of simplicity, clarity and authenticity to every project.

Dries Vanderborght

Originating from the heart of Europe, Belgium, my life has taken me on a whirlwind adventure. Previously I was managing dive schools in remote locations. In the last 5+ years my career has taken me into the realm of  Project Management & Web Development where I handle the delicate balance of technology and creativity. Whether exploring the depths of the oceans or delving into the intricacies of the web – I'm always driven by a desire for exploration and discovery. At the end of the day my passion is to transform ideas into captivating digital experiences.